Nanna Thordal

Senior Advisor & Planner

Nanna has a huge backpack of strategic and creative experience with a core in creative insight. Having spent years abroad and done countless fieldwork trips to every corner of the world, Nanna is an expert in translating complex strategic issues and projects into great communicative solutions.

She is at her best with one foot in the strategy and the other in the creative work as a bridge-builder and translator between the two.

Nanna strives to create communication that can move brands, people, and behavior, which always takes its starting point in popular culture – tying brands to their audiences through culture.

Bonus info: Even though Nanna lives in Frederiksberg C, she neither owns a Hövding bike helmet, bakes sourdough bread or knits. However, she is happy when others watch out for her on her bike, bring her buns fresh from home and loves a good sweater.